Why Bamboo Clothing?
July 15, 2019
Caring For Your Bamboo Products
February 8, 2020Switch To Bamboo Clothing, Do It For The Environment
You may have heard of clothing made from cotton or hemp, but did you know bamboo could also be turned into fashion? Wearing and supporting bamboo clothes has a lot of benefits, for the environment and also for you.
Bamboo clothing is insanely soft. It feels amazing to wear, and it also is more sweat resistant than other types of fabrics which is one reason it’s so popular for athletic clothing. Bamboo clothes have very good ventilation because of the microscopic holes in the fibers.
Bamboo clothing is also hypoallergenic. If you have sensitive skin or any fabric allergies then bamboo is for you. It doesn’t cause irritation to the skin like some other types of fabric can. Also, because of that softness mentioned earlier, it can be just generally less irritating to wear for long periods of time.
Bamboo is amazing to wear because of all of its benefits, but it is also really good for the environment. It is more sustainable than cotton and many other synthetic materials commonly used to make clothing. So, let’s help negate some of the harmful effects of fast fashion and switch to the greener (and comfier) bamboo fabrics!
The T-shirt. A wardrobe staple for most. We often have heaps of them in our cupboards too. They are generally low-maintenance, versatile and comfortable. Chances are most t-shirts in your wardrobe are made from cotton, and the rest (mostly used for exercise and sports) are made from polyester. This is where the problem lies. Did you know that your T-shirts could be causing a huge damaging impact on the environment? Here’s why.
Polyester – essentially plastic
Polyester is a thermoplastic polymer synthesised using a chemical reaction involving coal, petroleum, air and water. Most gym gear and exercise wear is made from polyester due to its ability to wick sweat away from the wearer’s skin. Most of us don’t realise though that what we’re wearing is essentially made of plastic, the production of which extensively uses petroleum and is harmful to the environment.
Okay, so Polyester is bad. Cotton must be great right? It’s natural.
The sad news is, cotton has severe adverse environmental impacts too. Put aside the fact that cotton doesn’t do well functionally for activities that involve sweating (unless you like heavy, soaked fabric sticking to your body ie). The notion that cotton is a natural fibre and hence, good for the environment is unfortunately, flawed.
While cotton isn’t made from plastics, the process of growing cotton is harmful in 3 major ways. First – it takes a huge amount of water to grow cotton, approximately 2700 litres of water for a single t-shirt actually. That’s enough drinking water for a human being for 900 days!
Bamboo is so, so soft…. As a fabric bamboo is very soft, durable and comfortable.
Switch To Bamboo Clothing, Do It For The Environment.
You can shop the collection at Bamboo Bliss Here.